Wednesday, August 15, 2007

List of Benefits

To paraphrase Jordan Rubin in his book, The Maker's Diet: Deep breathing exercises fires up the body's fat-burning capacity; floods your brain with oxygen; caresses your innards; and eliminates a lot more gunk from your system. Not convinced yet? Read on! A daily practice of deep breathing exercises does the following:

  • Promotes relaxation: it facilitates muscular relaxation, and the relaxation response, thereby relieving feelings of tension, anxiety and nervousness.
  • Lowers blood pressure: If you are hypertensive need I say more?
  • Slows down your heart rate: The slower your heart works, the longer it can work!
  • Improves immune system: I went for years without so much as a cold when I was doing it daily.
  • Hastens convalescence: If you do get sick, like when a friend with a bug sneezes on you, and you catch the bug, your won't be sick for very long; and when you're well again remember to stay away from that friend!
  • Increases blood circulation: Sluggish circulating blood even sounds creepy.
  • Increases oxygen and blood flow to the brain: That improves memory, alertness, problem-solving, and decision-making skills; after awhile you wake-up feeling smarter.
  • Improves complexion: You'll look healthier.
  • Increases stamina: You'll have more energy.
  • Increases metabolic efficiency: That's the increased fat-burning capacity Jordan Rubin talks about in his book.
  • Generates inner energy (ch'i) and cultivates the ability to channel it effectively: I'll write about ch'i - what it is and how it benefits you - soon.
  • Focuses the breath for meditation: I'll also discuss meditation in a future post - what it is, how it's done, and why to do it.
  • Increases the body's ability to eliminate toxins: The more you can get rid of, the healthier you will look, feel and be.
  • Minimizes the effects of aging: Some good things come with age - wisdom, patience, senior discounts, Medicare - but a strong vigorous body isn't usually one of them. Practicing deep breathing daily for a few minutes will help you to stay in good shape longer.
I've probably forgotten something, but you get the point. Here's all you really need to remember: Deep breathing is good; shallow breathing is bad; and, not breathing is very bad.

Peace, LR


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